Scripture Verse

In the morning so thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand. Ecclesiastes 11:6


Words: Frank­lin L. Ei­land, in The Pro­mised Crown, ed­it­ed by James E. Tho­mas & Frank­lin Ei­land (Ole­tha, Tex­as: James E. Tho­mas, 1892).

Music: S. A. My­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know My­ers’ full name, or here to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ei­land,

Franklin L. Eiland


Sowing and reap­ing for Je­sus our king,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell!
Spreading His Gos­pel in truth as we sing,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell.


Sowing the seed of the king­dom,
Sing it wher­ev­er you go;
Reapers shall ga­ther to­ge­ther,
Whatsoever they so.

Sowing the words of His won­der­ful love,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell!
Pointing the err­ing to Heav­en above,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell.


Sowing for Je­sus, yes, so­wing to­day,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell!
Sowing for Je­sus, for He is the way,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell.


Sowing, still sow­ing for Je­sus we send,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell!
Seed that we’ll har­vest when com­eth the end,
Beautiful sto­ry to tell.
