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Scripture Verse

The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary. Isaiah 60:13


Rigdon M. McIntosh

Words: Ma­ry B. Slade, in Good News, ed­it­ed by Rig­don Mc­In­tosh (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1876).

Music: Rig­don M. Mc­In­tosh (🔊 ). Note: Each verse re­peats af­ter the chor­us.

Mary B. Slade (1826–1882)


O’er the hills and adown the snowy dells,
As the ech­oes ring of the Christ­mas bells,
Angel songs in our hearts re­sound again,
Singing peace on earth and good will to men!


Bring pine and fir tree, eave the gar­lands bright,
Gladden the tem­ple of the King to­night!
Christmas is here! Fill it with cheer;
Make it glo­ri­ous with joy and light.

Bring good will to the suf­fer­ing and sad;
Speak the ten­der word that shall make them glad;
Tell them ho, o’er the hills of Beth­le­hem
When the ang­els sang, ’twas good news for them.


Peace on earth! bid all strife and tu­mult cease;
For this night again gives the Lord His peace;
While our hands shall His tem­ple beau­ti­fy,
Carol, glo­ry be un­to God most high.


So glad hearts on this hap­py Christ­mas night
Bring your gifts of love, make His al­tar bright;
Sing glad songs that shall sweet­ly sound as when
Angels sang of peace and good will to men.
