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Scripture Verse

These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:14


Words: Hans A. Bror­son, cir­ca 1760 (Den store hvide Flok vi se); com­pos­ite trans­la­tion. Sad­ly, Bror­son did not live to see his lyr­ics pub­lished; his son in­clud­ed them in a col­lect­ion issued the year af­ter his fa­ther’s death.

Music: Great White Host Nor­we­gian folk me­lo­dy, cir­ca 1600. Ar­ranged by Ed­vard H. Grieg, 1907, alt. (🔊 ).

Edvard Grieg (1843–1907)


Passage of the Souls
Anne-François-Louis Janmot (1814–1892)

Behold a host, ar­rayed in white,
With palms they stand. Who is this band
Before the throne of light?
Lo, these are they of glo­ri­ous fame
Who from the great af­flict­ion came
And in the flood of Je­sus’ blood
Are cleansed from guilt and blame.
Now ga­thered in the ho­ly place
Their voic­es they in wor­ship raise,
Their an­thems swell where God doth dwell,
Mid an­gels’ song of praise.

Despised and scorned, they so­journed here;
But now, how glo­ri­ous they app­ear!
Those mar­tyrs stand a priest­ly band,
God’s throne for­ev­er near.
So oft, in trou­bled days gone by,
In ang­uish they would weep and sigh.
At home above the God of Love
For aye their tears shall dry.
They now en­joy their Sab­bath rest,
The pas­chal ban­quet of the blest;
The Lamb, their Lord, at fes­tal board
Himself is Host and Guest.

Then hail, ye migh­ty le­gions, yea,
All hail! No safe and blest for aye,
And praise the Lord, how with His word
Sustained you on the way.
Ye did the joys of earth dis­dain,
Ye toil­ed and sowed in tears and pain.
Farewell, now bring your sheaves and sing
Salvation’s glad re­frain.
Sing high your palms, lift up your song,
Yea, make it my­ri­ad voic­es strong.
Eternally shall praise to Thee,
God, and the Lamb be­long.