Scripture Verse

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Revelation 3:20


Phoebe Knapp (1839–1908)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Chris­tian Songs (New York: Big­low & Main, 1872).

Music: Por­tal Phoe­be P. Knapp (🔊 pdf nwc).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


Behold Me stand­ing at the door,
And hear Me plead­ing ev­er­more,
With gen­tle voice: oh, heart of sin,
May I come in? May I come in?


Behold Me stand­ing at the door,
And hear Me plead­ing ev­er­more:
Say, wea­ry heart, op­pressed with sin,
May I come in? May I come in?

I bore the cru­el thorns for thee,
I wait­ed long and pa­tient­ly;
Say, wea­ry heart, op­pressed with sin,
May I come in? May I come in?


I would not plead with thee in vain;
Remember all My grief and pain;
I died to ran­som thee from sin:
May I come in? May I come in?


I bring thee joy from Heav’n above,
I bring thee par­don, peace, and love:
Say, wea­ry heart, op­pressed with sin,
May I come in? May I come in?
