Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
Revelation 3:20
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Christian Songs (New York: Biglow & Main, 1872), page 106, alt. Note: The words below (except the refrain) are the original version. The score shows changes made later by unknown editors.
Music: Portal Phoebe P. Knapp (🔊
Behold Me standing at the door,
And hear Me pleading evermore,
With gentle voice above the din,
May I come in? May I come in?
Behold Me standing at the door,
And hear Me pleading evermore:
Say, weary heart, oppressed with sin,
May I come in? May I come in?
I fought for thee with death’s dark wave,
I burst the dungeons of the grave;
I would my rightful guerdon win—
May I come in? May I come in?
I bore the cruel thorns for thee,
I waited long and patiently
To hear thy footsteps from within,
May I come in? May I come in?
There’s surely room within thy breast
For one more loving than the rest;
More loving far than earthly kin—
May I come in? May I come in?
I would not have thee beat in vain
My Father’s door, and plead in pain
When Heav’n and all its joys begin—
May I come in? May I come in?