Scripture Verse

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, Book 1, 1707, num­ber 68. The ban­quet of love.

Music: Ho­ly Hill Will­iam H. Pon­ti­us, cir­ca 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Behold the rose of Sha­ron here,
The li­ly which the val­leys bear,
Behold the tree of life, that gives
Refreshing fruit and heal­ing leaves.

Amongst the thorns so li­lies shine;
Amongst wild gourds the no­ble vine;
So in mine eyes my Sav­ior proves,
Amidst a thou­sand mean­er loves.

Beneath His cool­ing shade I sat,
To shield me from the burn­ing heat;
Of heav’n­ly fruit He spreads a feast,
To feed mine eyes and please my taste.

Kindly He brought me to the place
Where stands the ban­quet of His grace;
He saw me faint, and o’er my head
The ban­ner of His love He spread.

With liv­ing bread and ge­ner­ous wine,
He cheers this sink­ing heart of mine;
And op­en­ing His own heart to me,
He shows His thoughts, how kind they be.

O nev­er let my Lord de­part;
Lie down, and rest up­on my heart;
I charge my sins not once to move,
Nor stir, nor wake, nor grieve my Love.