Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1898.
Music: John R. Sweney (🔊
Come away, the bells are calling,
Merry bells of Christmas time;
Youthful hearts again are bounding
While we catch their tuneful chime.
Merry, merry bells, merry, merry bells,
Listen to their carol and the joy it tells;
Ringing far and near, ringing sweet and clear,
O the blessèd music of the old-time bells.
Come away, they still are calling,
While, to crown our festal scene,
Busy fingers now are twining
Wreaths of holly bright and green.
Come away, our faith is calling,
And we look with loving eyes
On a lowly manger cradle
Where the infant Savior lies.
Come away, our souls are calling,
While the bells responsive ring;
Hallelujah in the highest
To the Lord’s anointed king.