Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. Praise ye Him, all his angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts. Praise ye Him, sun and moon: praise Him, all ye stars of light. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Psalm 148:1–4
Words: John Ogilvie, 1749.
Music: Frances James McGranahan, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good picture of Ogilvie (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
The Author of this paraphrase as greatly surprised, upon looking over the Christian Magazine for September 1760, to find it inserted there, with an elegant introductory letter, and ascribed to an EMINENT PHYSICIAN.
It as in truth written by Mr. Ogilvie, when he as very young, and as originally printed in the Scots Magazine for February 1753, and as dated from Edinburgh, here he happened at that time to spend the season for his education.
He is greatly mistaken, if the initial letters of his name are not subjoined to the Poem. Some years afterwards it as sent to an eminent English Bookseller (who, if he happens to read this note, will recollect the fact); and as a few alterations ere made in that copy, which are adopted verbatim in the Christian Magazine, the Author finds, that his manuscript, and not the printed copy, has fallen into the hands of some very modest gentleman.
This affair is too trifling to be treated seriously. Only Mr. Ogilvie thought it necessary to assign the reason for which it appears in the present collection.
He owes an acknowledgment to the person who sent this piece to the Authors of the Christian Magazine, for the high panegyric which he is pleased to make on it but is afraid that he will not receive an acknowledgment from the EMINENT PHYSICIAN, for ascribing to HIM the performance of a boy of sixteen.
John Ogilvie
Poems on Several Subjects
Volume 1, page 109
London: George Pearch, 1769
Begin, my soul, th’exalted lay,
Let each enraptured thought obey,
And praise th’Almighty’s name;
Lo! Heav’n and earth, and seas, and skies
In one melodious concert rise
To swell th’inspiring theme!
Ye fields of light, celestial plains,
Where gay transporting beauty reigns,
Ye scenes divinely fair!
Your maker’s wondrous power proclaim,
Tell how He formed your shining frame,
And breathed the fluid air.
Ye angels, catch the thrilling sound!
While all th’adoring throngs around
His wondrous mercy sing;
Let every listening saint above,
Wake all the tuneful soul of love,
And touch the sweetest string.
Join, ye loud spheres, the vocal choir!
Thou dazzling orb of liquid fire
The mighty chorus aid;
Soon as grey evening gilds the plain,
Thou moon, protract the melting strain,
And praise Him in the shade.
Thou, Heav’n of heav’ns, His vast abode,
Ye clouds, proclaim your maker God!
Ye thunders, speak His power;
Lo! on the lightning’s rapid wings
In triumph rides the King of kings,
Th’astonished worlds adore.
Ye deeps, with roaring billows rise
To join the thunder of the skies,
Praise Him who bids you roll;
His praise in softer notes declare
Each whispering breeze of yielding air
And breathe it to the soul.
Whate’er this living world contains,
That wings the air or treads the plains,
United praise bestow;
Ye tenants of the ocean wide,
Proclaim Him through the mighty tide,
And in the deeps below.
Let every element rejoice:
Ye tempests, raise your mighty voice
Praise Him who bid you roll!
His praise in softer notes declare
Each whispering breeze of yielding air,
And breathe it to the soul.
To Him, ye graceful cedars, bow!
Ye towering mountains, bending low,
Your great creator own!
Tell, when affrighted nature shook,
How Sinai kindled at His look,
And trembled at His frown.
Ye flocks that haunt the humble vale,
Ye insects fluttering on the gale,
In mutual concourse rise!
Crop the gay rose’s vermeil bloom,
And waft its spoils, a sweet perfume,
In incense to the skies.
Wake, all ye soaring throngs, and sing,
Ye cheerful warblers of the spring,
Harmonious anthems rise;
To Him who shaped your finer mold,
Who tipped your glittering wings with gold,
And tuned your voice to praise.
Let man, by nobler passions swayed,
The feeling heart, the judging head,
In heav’nly praise employ;
Spread His tremendous name around,
Till Heav’n’s wide arch ring back the sound,
The general burst of joy.
Ye, whom the charms of grandeur please,
Nursed on the silky lap of ease,
Fall prostrate at His throne!
Ye princes, rulers, all adore!
Praise Him, ye kings! who makes your power
An image of His own.
Ye fair, by nature formed to move,
O praise th’eternal source of love
With youth’s enlivening fire!
Let age take up the tuneful lay,
Sigh His blest name—then soar away,
And ask an angel’s lyre.