Scripture Verse

Let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Psalm 95:6


John D. Coleridge (1821–1894)

Words: John D. Co­le­ridge (1821–1894).

Music: Clois­ters, Jo­seph Barn­by, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Bending be­fore Thee, let our hymn go up­wards,
Bright as the sun­shine break­ing from the dark­ness.
Thee we im­plore to guard us on our jour­ney,
Lord God Al­migh­ty.

Guard us in toil when faint­ing in the noon­day,
Guard us re­pos­ing un­der ev­en­ing sha­dows.
Guard us when mid­night walks abroad in hea­ven,
Lord God Al­migh­ty.

If the dread foe as­sail us with temp­tation,
Hear us, O Lord, and save us from his dan­ger.
O keep us pure, O lead us to Thy pre­sence.
Lord God Al­migh­ty.

Glory to Thee, O Fa­ther ev­er­last­ing!
Glory to Thee, O Son and Ho­ly Spir­it!
One in three Per­sons, in­fi­nite, un­chang­ing!
Lord God Al­migh­ty!