There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.
Numbers 24:17
Words: Fanny Crosby (1820–1915). Appeared in Progressive Sunday School Songs, compiled by Homer A. Rodeheaver (Chicago, Illinois: Rodeheaver, 1923), number 187.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel, 1923 (🔊
There’s a star that arose on the beautiful night,
When angels descended, all lovely and bright;
And, folding their pinions, proclaimed to the world
The standard of mercy thro’ Jesus unfurled.
Beautiful star, Bethlehem’s star,
Shining, still shining, from regions afar;
Beautiful star, peaceful and bright,
Smile on us ever by day and by night.
’Twas the star that the sages predicted should rise;
It shone like a gem on the blue ether skies;
The first and the fairest that jeweled the train
That glistened and sparkled on Bethlehem’s plain.
’Tis the star that for ages the pilgrims have blest,
The herald of gladness, the beacon of rest;
Its luster unfading no cloud can obscure,
It leads on to glory, its haven is sure.