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Scripture Verse

Clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cro­sby, in The Young Peo­ple’s Hym­nal (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Pub­lish­ing House, Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, South, 1890).

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 ).

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Murmuring soft­ly, car­ol­ing gent­ly,
Music en­chant­ing com­eth to me;
Over the wa­ters, beau­ti­ful wa­ters,
Where in the home­land soon I shall be.
How like a vi­sion ten­der­ly steal­ing,
Over my spir­it, wea­ry, op­pressed;
Drawing me up­ward, urg­ing me for­ward,
Telling of sun­shine, rap­ture and rest.


Murmuring soft­ly, car­ol­ing gent­ly,
Music en­chant­ing com­eth to me;
Over the wa­ters, beau­ti­ful wa­ters,
Where in the home­land soon I shall be.

Silently mus­ing, bliss­ful­ly gaz­ing
Into the fu­ture teem­ing with light,
Sweetly the ech­oes float­ing around me,
Whisper of Ed­en, love­ly and bright.
Eden, here sum­mer, fade­less, eter­nal,
Scatters its ros­es, bloom­ing for aye;
There is no part­ing, there is no weep­ing,
Sorrow and sigh­ing van­ish away.


There our Re­deem­er, lov­ing Re­deem­er,
Gathers the faith­ful safe on His breast,
Out of the chang­ing in­to the change­less,
Out of the toil­ing in­to the rest.
Welcome the mo­ment when to His pre­sence,
Joyful my spir­it flies like a bird;
O what a mor­row, O what a meet­ing,
Eye hath not seen it, ear hath not heard.
