Scripture Verse

Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days. Hosea 3:5


François H. Barthélémon (1741–1808)

Words: Mrs. Vokes, in A Se­lect­ion of Mis­sion­ary and De­vo­tion­al Hymns, ed­it­ed by Rev. J. Grif­fin, 1797.

Music: Morn­ing Hymn (Bar­thé­lé­mon) Franç­ois H. Bar­thé­lé­mon, 1785 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Mrs. Vokes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Bar­thé­lé­mon,


Behold, the hea­then waits to know
The joy the Gos­pel will be­stow;
The ex­iled cap­tive, to re­ceive
The free­dom Je­sus has to give.

Come, let us, with a grate­ful heart,
In this blest la­bor share a part;
Our pray­ers and of­fer­ings glad­ly bring
To aid the tri­umphs of our king.

Our hearts ex­ult in songs of praise
That we have seen these lat­ter days
When our Re­deem­er shall be known
Where Sa­tan long hath held his throne.

Where’er His hand hath spread the skies
Sweet in­cense to His name shall rise;
And slave and free­man, Greek and Jew,
By so­ve­reign grace be formed anew.