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Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam A. Og­den, in The Int­er­na­tion­al Les­son Hym­nal (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­vid C. Cook, 1878), num­ber 186 (From the S. S. Schol­ar’s Quar­ter­ly) (🔊 ).

William Ogden (1841–1897)


Glory to God! the an­gels are sing­ing,
Tidings of joy to men they bring;
Bethlehem’s plain with mu­sic is ring­ing,
Jesus to­day is born a king;
Not in a pal­ace, but in a man­ger,
Lieth the dear Re­deem­er’s head,
Girded with glo­ry sag­es be­hold Him,
Low where the beasts of the stall are fed.


Glory to God! the an­gels are sing­ing,
Peace and good will to men they bring.
Bethlehem’s plain with mu­sic is ring­ing,
Jesus to­day is born a king.

Glory to God! the won­der­ful chor­us!
Peace and good will, the an­gels sing,
For un­to you is born in the ci­ty,
City of Da­vid, Christ a king.
Born to re­deem, oh, migh­ty sal­va­tion!
Jesus, the Christ, oh, yes, ’tis He!
Wrapped in the swad­dling gar­ments be­hold Him,
This un­to you a sign shall be.


Glory to God! the mul­ti­tude singeth,
Glory to God! let men rep­ly;
Glory to God! the echo still ring­eth,
Ringeth aloud thro’ earth and sky,
Nations shall sit no long­er in dark­ness,
Tell the good news o’er earth afar!
Seated in glo­ry now be­hold Him,
Jesus the bright and morn­ing star.
