Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words & Music: William A. Ogden, in The International Lesson Hymnal (Chicago, Illinois: David C. Cook, 1878), number 186 (From the
) (🔊 S. S. Scholar’s Quarterly
Glory to God!
the angels are singing,
Tidings of joy to men they bring;
Bethlehem’s plain with music is ringing,
Jesus today is born a king;
Not in a palace, but in a manger,
Lieth the dear Redeemer’s head,
Girded with glory sages behold Him,
Low where the beasts of the stall are fed.
Glory to God!
the angels are singing,
Peace and good will to men they bring.
Bethlehem’s plain with music is ringing,
Jesus today is born a king.
Glory to God!
the wonderful chorus!
Peace and good will,
the angels sing,
For unto you is born in the city,
City of David, Christ a king.
Born to redeem, oh, mighty salvation!
Jesus, the Christ, oh, yes, ’tis He!
Wrapped in the swaddling garments behold Him,
This unto you a sign shall be.
Glory to God!
the multitude singeth,
Glory to God! let men reply;
Glory to God! the echo still ringeth,
Ringeth aloud thro’ earth and sky,
Nations shall sit no longer in darkness,
Tell the good news o’er earth afar!
Seated in glory now behold Him,
Jesus the bright and morning star.