Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood.
Revelation 5:9
Words: Isaac Watts, Divine and Moral Songs 1715.
Music: Beati Immaculati Alexander R. Reinagle, Psalm Tunes for the Voice and Pianoforte, circa 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Blest be the wisdom and the power,
The justice and the grace,
That joined in counsel to restore
And save our ruined race!
Our father ate forbidden fruit,
And from his glory fell;
And we, his children, thus were brought
To death, and near to hell.
Blest be the Lord, that sent His Son
To take our flesh and blood!
He for our lives gave up His own,
To make our peace with God.
He honored all His Father’s laws,
Which we have disobeyed;
He bore our sins upon the cross,
And our full ransom paid.
Behold Him rising from the grave;
Behold Him raised on high:
He pleads His merits there, to save
Transgressors doomed to die.
There, on a glorious throne, He reigns;
And by His power divine
Redeems us from the slavish chains
Of Satan and of sin.
Thence shall the Lord to judgment come;
And, with a sovereign voice,
Shall call and break up every tomb,
While waking saints rejoice.
O may I then with joy appear
Before the Judge’s face;
And, with the blest assembly there,
Sing His redeeming grace.