Scripture Verse

Blessèd be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21


Ralph E. Hudson (1843–1901)

Words: Will­iam H. Clark, in Show­ers of Bless­ing, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney & Will­iam Kirk­pat­rick (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1888), num­ber 211. Re­frain add­ed by Ralph E. Hud­son (1843–1901).

Music: Ralph E. Hud­son. Har­mo­ny by Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


All praise to Him who reigns ab­ove
In ma­jes­ty su­preme,
Who gave His Son for man to die,
That He might man re­deem!


Blessèd be the name! Bless­èd be the name!
Blessèd be the name of the Lord!
Blessèd be the name! Bless­èd be the name!
Blessèd be the name of the Lord!

His name above all names shall stand,
Exalted more and more,
At God the Fa­ther’s own right hand,
Where an­gel hosts adore.


Redeemer, Sav­ior, friend of man
Once ru­ined by the fall,
Thou hast de­vised sal­va­tion’s plan,
For Thou hast died for all.


His name shall be the coun­sel­or,
The migh­ty Prince of Peace,
Of all earth’s king­doms con­quer­or,
Whose reign shall ne­ver cease.
