Scripture Verse

His mercy endureth forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Sab­bath Ca­rols, by Theo­dore E. Per­kins (New York: Brown & Per­kins, 1868), num­ber 11.

Music: James M. North (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of North (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Blessèd Re­deem­er, gra­cious­ly hear us,
Breathing de­vo­tion like in­cense to Thee;
Tenderly shield us, lov­ing­ly cheer us,
Blessèd Re­deem­er, Thy child­ren are we.
While in Thy king­dom an­gels adore Thee,
Joyfully sing­ing ev­er before Thee;
Grant our pe­ti­tion—hear, we im­plore Thee,
Voices now sing­ing prais­es to Thee.
Tenderly shield us, lovingly cheer us,
Blessèd Re­deem­er, Thy child­ren are we.

Tranquilly fad­ing, slow­ly de­clin­ing,
Twilight is pass­ing in beauty away;
Now on Thy bo­som safely re­clin­ing,
Teach us, our Fa­ther, oh, teach us to pray.
Blessèd Re­deem­er, leave us, oh ne­ver,
Till we have an­chored ov­er the ri­ver,
Till we shall praise Thee, sing­ing for­ev­er,
Jesus, our Sav­ior, glo­ry to Thee.
Now on Thy bo­som safe­ly re­clin­ing,
Teach us, our Fa­ther, oh, teach us to pray.