Scripture Verse

Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm 41:1


Words: From The Book of Psalms (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1871), pag­es 166–67.

Music: Rest (Brad­bu­ry) Wil­liam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1843 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


Blest he who wisely helps the poor,
In trouble he shall help se­cure:
The Lord shall keep him, he shall live,
And blessing on the earth re­ceive.

Thou wilt not give him to the will
Of foes that seek to do him ill.
When laid upon the bed of pain,
The Lord with strength will him sus­tain.

On him Thou wilt com­pas­sion take,
And all his bed in sick­ness make.
I said, Lord, pity, heal Thou me,
Because I have of­fend­ed Thee.

My foes speak ill of me, they say,
When shall he die? his name de­cay?
If seeing me, his speech is vain;
His heart hoards ills to tell again.

All those who hate me, whis­per lies,
Against me hurtful things de­vise:
Now his disease, say they, is sore,
It binds him fast, he’ll rise no more.

Yea, e’en my own fa­mil­iar friend,
The man on whom I did de­pend,
Who ate my bread, pre­tend­ing zeal,
Against me lifted up his heel.

In mercy raise me up, O Lord,
To render foes a due re­ward.
By this I know Thy love re­mains,
Because my foe no tri­umph gains.

Thou dost my steps di­rect aright,
And set me ever in Thy sight.
Let Israel’s God, Je­ho­vah, then
Be ever blest. Amen, amen.