Scripture Verse

Jesus came forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, Behold the man! John 19:5


Henry Milman (1791–1868)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Hen­ry H. Mil­man, in Re­gin­ald He­ber’s post­hu­mous Hymns Writ­ten and Adapt­ed to the Week­ly Church Ser­vice of the Year (Lon­don: J. Mur­ray, 1827), page 62.

Music: Ec­ce Ho­mo Will­iam H. Monk (1823–1889) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Barden Will­iam B. Gil­bert, Hym­nal and Can­ti­cles of the Pro­test­ant Epis­co­pal Church with Mu­sic (New York: E. P. Dut­ton, 1883), num­ber 82 (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten,

William Monk (1823–1889)


Bound up­on th’ac­curs­èd tree,
Faint and bleed­ing, who is He?
By the eyes so pale and dim,
Streaming blood, and writh­ing limb;
By the flesh with scourg­es torn;
By the crown of twist­ed thorn;
By the side so deep­ly pierc­ed:
By the baf­fled, burn­ing thirst;
By the droop­ing death-dewed brow;
Son of Man! ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

Bound up­on th’ac­curs­èd tree,
Dead and aw­ful, who is He?
By the sun at noon­day pale,
Shivering rocks and rend­ing veil;
Earth that trem­bles at His doom,
Yonder saints who burst their tomb;
Eden pro­mised ere He died
To the fe­lon at His side;
Lord! our sup­pli­ant knees we bow,
Son of God! ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

Bound upon th’ac­curs­èd tree,
Sad and dy­ing, who is He?
By the last and bit­ter cry,
By the dy­ing ag­ony;
By the life­less body laid
In the cham­ber of the dead;
By the mourn­ers come to weep
Where the bones of Je­sus sleep.
Crucified! we know Thee now:
Son of Man! ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

Bound upon the’accursèd tree,
Dread and aw­ful, who is He?
By the pray­er for them that slew,
Lord, they know not what they do;
By the spoiled and emp­ty grave;
By the souls He died to save;
By the conq­uest He hath won;
By the saints be­fore His throne;
By the rain­bow round His brow;
Son of God! ’tis Thou! ’tis Thou!

Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528)