The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Unknown author, 11th Century or earlier (Adesto, sancta Trinitas). Translated from Latin to English by John M. Neale in The Hymnal Noted (London & New York: Novello, Ewer: 1851), number 35.
Music: Adesto Sancta Trinitas Chartres church melody (🔊
Be present, Holy Trinity,
Like splendor, and one Deity:
Of things above, and things below,
Beginning, that no end shall know.
Thee all the armies of the sky
Adore, and laud, and magnify;
And nature, in her triple frame,
Forever sanctifies Thy name.
And we, too, thanks and homage pay,
Thine own adoring flock today;
O join to that celestial song
The praises of our suppliant throng!
Light, sole and one, we Thee confess,
With triple praise we rightly bless;
Alpha and Omega we own,
With every Spirit round Thy throne.
To Thee, O unbegotten One,
And Thee, O sole begotten Son,
And Thee, O Holy Ghost, we raise
Our equal and eternal praise.