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Scripture Verse

The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke by Elijah. 1 Kings 17:16


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 1, num­ber 36. The meal and cruse of oil.

Music: Old Mar­tyrs Psalms (Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land: 1615) (🔊 ).


By the poor wi­dow’s oil and meal
Elijah was sus­tained;
Though small the stock it last­ed well,
For God the store main­tained.

It seemed as if from day to day,
They were to eat and die;
But still, though in a sec­ret way,
He sent a fresh sup­ply.

Thus to His poor He still will give
Just for the pre­sent hour;
But for to­mor­row they must live
Upon His word and pow­er.

No barn or store­house they pos­sess
On which they can de­pend;
Yet have no cause to fear dis­tress,
For Je­sus is their friend.

Then let not doubts your mind as­sail,
Remember, God has said,
The cruse and bar­rel shall not fail;
My peo­ple shall be fed.

And thus though faint it oft­en seems,
He keeps their grace al­ive;
Supplied by His re­fresh­ing streams,
Their dy­ing hopes re­vive.

Though in our­selves we have no stock,
The Lord is nigh to save;
His door flies op­en when we knock,
And ’tis but ask and have.

Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
Bernardo Strozzi (1581–1644)