I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Archibald Kenyon, in Joyful Lays, edited by Robert Lowry & W. Howard Doane (New York & Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1884), number 20.
Music: La Vista Robert Lowry, 1884 (🔊
Bright glory beams are shining clear,
Around me day by day;
Yet, if alone, my heart might fear
That I might lose the way;
But Jesus sheds a light divine,
My soul with hope to cheer;
Till I shall claim the crown as mine,
Beyond the reach of fear.
Portentous clouds of grief and doubt
May overcast my sky;
The Savior’s voice is ringing out:
Fear not, fear not, ’tis I;
I’ll hold thee in My arms, dear child
Thy feet shall never stray;
Tho’ storms may gather dark and wild,
I’m with thee all the way.
I’ll bear thee o’er the deep, cold tide,
To yonder blissful shore,
Where trusting souls in joy abide,
And fears prevail no more;
There streams of bliss forever flow,
And light forever shines;
With love and grace each heart aglow,
The glory ne’er declines.