Scripture Verse

Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. Matthew 24:44


James M. Black (1856–1938)

Words & Mu­sic: James M. Black, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).

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Are you walk­ing now in the light of God?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
Are you in the path that the Mas­ter trod?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.


Will you be rea­dy to en­ter in?
Ready when the Bride­groom comes?
In the morn­ing light, or at noon, or night,
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.

Have you full sal­va­tion from ev­ery sin?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
Trusting in His Word, have you peace with­in?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.


Is your heart made clean by the pre­cious blood?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
Have you been made white in the cleans­ing flood?
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.


He will come some day un­to ev­ery soul;
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
By His heal­ing pow­er let Him make you whole—
Be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
