Scripture Verse

I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat. Exodus 25:22


William H. Bathurst

Words: Will­iam H. Bat­hurst, in Psalms and Hymns for Pub­lic Wor­ship (Lon­don: Ford & Jack­son, 1841).

Music: Bi­shop­thorpe Je­re­mi­ah Clarke, 1700 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jeremiah Clarke
(ca. 1659–1707)


Before Thy mer­cy seat, O Lord,
Behold, Thy ser­vants stand,
To ask the know­ledge of Thy Word,
The guid­ance of Thy hand.

Let Thy eter­nal truths, we pray,
Dwell rich­ly in each heart;
That from the safe and nar­row way
We ne­ver may de­part.

Lord, from Thy Word re­move the seal,
Unfold its hid­den store,
And as we read, teach us to feel
Its val­ue more and more.

Help us to see a Sav­ior’s love
Shine forth from ev­ery page,
And let the thoughts of joys ab­ove
Our in­most souls en­gage.

Thus, while Thy Word our foot­steps guides,
Shall we be tru­ly blest,
And soon ar­rive where love pro­vides
An ev­er­last­ing rest.