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Scripture Verse

Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me. Psalm 35:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 92.

Music: Brox­burn Lind­say Stein, 2000 (pub­lic do­main) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Lindsay Stein (1965–)


Be Thou my help­er in the strife,
O Lord, my strong de­fend­er be;
Thy migh­ty shield pro­tect my life,
Thy spear con­front the ene­my.
Amid the con­flict, O my Lord,
Thy pre­cious pro­mise let me hear,
The faith­ful re­as­sur­ing word:
I am Thy Sav­ior, do not fear.

Ashamed, con­found­ed let them be
Who seek my ru­in and dis­grace;
O let Thine an­gel fight for me,
And drive my foes be­fore his face.
Without a cause my life they sought,
Without a cause their plots they laid;
Themselves with­in their snares be caught,
And be my craf­ty foes dis­mayed.

My soul is joy­ful in the Lord,
In His sal­va­tion I re­joice;
To Him my heart will praise ac­cord
And bless His name with thank­ful voice.
For who, O Lord, is like to Thee,
Defender of the poor and meek?
The needy Thy sal­va­tion see
When migh­ty foes their ru­in seek.

Unrighteous wit­ness­es have stood
And told of crimes be­yond be­lief;
Returning ev­il for my good,
They ov­er­whelm my soul with grief.
When in af­flict­ion they were sad,
I wept and made their grief my own;
But in my trou­ble they are glad
And strive that I may be o’er­thrown.

O Lord, how long wilt Thou de­lay?
My soul for Thy sal­va­tion waits;
My thank­ful­ness will I dis­play
Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates.
Let not my ene­mies re­joice
And wrong­ful­ly ex­ult o’er me;
They speak not peace, but lift their voice
To trou­ble those that peace­ful be.

My foes with joy my woes sur­vey,
But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all;
O be no long­er far away,
Nor si­lent when on Thee I call.
O haste to my de­li­ver­ance now,
O Lord, my right­eous cause main­tain;
My Lord and God alone art Thou;
Awake, and make Thy jus­tice plain.

O Lord, my God, I look to Thee,
Be Thou my righ­teous judge, I pray;
Let not my foes ex­ult o’er me
And laugh with joy at my dis­may.
With shame and trou­ble those re­quite
Who would my right­eous cause de­stroy;
But those who in the good de­light,
Let them be glad and shout for joy.

Yea, let the Lord be mag­nified,
Because Thy ser­vants Thou dost bless;
And I, from morn till ev­en­tide,
Will dai­ly praise Thy right­eous­ness.
My soul is joy­ful in the Lord,
In His sal­va­tion I re­joice;
To Him my heart will praise ac­cord
And bless His name with thank­ful voice.