Behold, there is a feast of the Lord in Shiloh yearly.
Judges 21:19
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Crystal Songs, by Otis F. Presbrey (Toledo, Ohio: Willard W. Whitney, 1877).
Music: W. Warren Bentley (🔊
Dear Savior, from Thy throne above,
Where countless children bow,
Oh, let Thy loving eye behold
And bless us children now.
Our hearts in tuneful numbers wake,
Our tongues with rapture sing,
All glory, honor, praise to Thee,
Redeemer, Lord and King!
Thy mercy led us thro’ the year
That sweetly passed away,
And thro’ Thy grace we gather now
To hail our festive day.
Oh, may we learn in early youth
Thy holy Word to prize,
The lamp that guides our feet to Heav’n,
Our home beyond the skies.
Oh, happy thought, if, faithful here,
We work and watch and pray,
We’ll spend with Thee in Heav’n at last
An endless happy day.