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Scripture Verse

Come over…and help us. Acts 16:9


Benjamin R. Hanby

Words: Ma­ry B. Slade, in The Snow Bird, ed­it­ed by George F. Root & Ben­ja­min Han­by (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1865).

Music: Ben­ja­min R. Han­by (🔊 ).

Mary B. Slade (1826–1882)


A voice that I hear, across the sea,
Sings the sweet­est songs of the east to me;
It sings of a land where bright suns glow,
And the beau­ti­ful blos­soms of Bur­mah blow.
Hear it say, hear it say,
Come to the beau­ti­ful land away!
Hear it say, hear it say,
Come to the beau­ti­ful land!

Oh! hark to the song that o’er the seas
Softly flows along on the sum­mer breeze;
Oh list­en, and ming­ling with its flow,
You will hear the sad wail­ing of pain and woe.
Hear it say, hear it say,
Sitting in dark­ness we wait for day!
Hear it say, hear it say,
Sitting in dark­ness we wait!

For, un­der the palm trees’ love­ly shade,
There the dread­ful shrine of the id­ol’s made;
The land of the east is bright and fair,
But sor­row, and sin and death are there.
Hear it say, hear it say,
Come, in the night of our need, away!
Hear it say, hear it say,
Come in the night of our need!

Oh, child­ren of God, from east and west,
So the hea­then come to the heav­en­ly rest!
And Bur­mah be­seech­ing­ly begs to­day,
That you pi­ty and help her and show the way.
Hear her say, hear her say,
Come, ye, and lead us to God, we pray!
Hear it say, hear it say,
Come, ye, and lead us to God!