Scripture Verse

Could you not watch one hour? Mark 14:37


George C. Stebbins (1846–1945)

Words: Jes­sie B. Pounds, in The Ep­worth Hym­nal (New York: Hunt & Ea­ton, 1885), page 154.

Music: Wolfs­burg George C. Steb­bins, 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Jessie B. Pounds (1861–1921)


One lit­tle hour for watch­ing with the Mas­ter,
Eternal years to walk with Him in white;
One lit­tle hour to brave­ly meet dis­as­ter,
Eternal years to reign with Him in light.


Then souls, be brave, and watch un­til the mor­row!
Awake! arise! your lamps of pur­pose trim;
Your Sav­ior speaks across the night of sor­row;
Can ye not watch one lit­tle hour with Him?

One lit­tle hour to suf­fer scorn and loss­es,
Eternal years be­yond earth’s cru­el frowns;
One lit­tle hour to car­ry hea­vy cross­es,
Eternal years to wear un­fad­ing crowns.


One lit­tle hour for wea­ry toils and trials,
Eternal years for calm and peace­ful rest;
One lit­tle hour for pa­tient self-de­ni­als,
Eternal years of life where life is blest.
