Scripture Verse

Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak Thy Word. Acts 4:29


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1739), page 202.

Music: Grace Church Ig­naz J. Pley­el, 1815 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


Captain of my sal­va­tion, hear!
Stir up Thy strength, and bow the skies:
Be Thou the God of bat­tles, near;
In all Thy ma­jes­ty arise!

The day, the dread­ful day’s at hand!
In bat­tle co­ver Thou my head:
Past is Thy word: Here I de­mand,
And con­fi­dent ex­pect Thine aid.

Now arm me for the threat­en­ing fight;
Now let Thy pow­er des­cend from high;
Triumphant in Thy Spir­it’s might,
So shall I ev­ery foe de­fy.

I ask Thy help; by Thee sent forth
Thy glo­ri­ous Gos­pel to pro­claim,
Be Thou my mouth, and shake the earth,
And spread by me Thy aw­ful name.

Steel me to shame, re­proach, dis­grace,
Arm me with all Thy ar­mor now,
Set like a flint my stea­dy face,
Harden to ada­mant my brow.

Bold may I wax, ex­ceed­ing bold,
My high com­mis­sion to per­form,
Nor shrink Thy harsh­est truths to un­fold,
But more than meet the ga­ther­ing storm.

Adverse to earth’s re­bel­li­ous throng,
Still may I turn my fear­less face,
Stand as an ir­on pil­lar strong,
And stead­fast as a wall of brass.

Give me Thy might, Thou God of pow­er;
Then let or man or fiends as­sail!
Strong in Thy strength, I’ll stand a tow­er
Impregnable to earth or hell.