For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Luke 2:10
Words & Music: William A. Mühlenberg, 1840 (🔊
Made for the boys of St. Paul’s College—The chorus adapted from one of the Rev. Arthur C. Coxe’s Christian Ballads.
Carol, brothers, carol,
Carol joyfully,
Carol the good tidings,
Carol merrily.
And pray a gladsome Christmas
For all good Christian men;
Carol brothers, carol,
Christmas day again.
Carol, but with gladness,
Not in songs of earth;
On the Savior’s birthday
Hallowed be our mirth;
While a thousand blessings
Fill our hearts with glee,
Christmas day we’ll keep,
The Feast of Charity.
At the merry table,
Think of those who’ve none,
Th’orphan and the widow,
Hungry and alone.
Bountiful your offerings
To the altar bring;
Let the poor and needy
Christmas carols sing.
Listening angel music,
Discord sure must cease—
Who dare hate his brother
On this day of peace?
While the heav’ns are telling
To mankind good will,
Only love and kindness
Every bosom fill.
Let your hearts, responding,
To the seraph band,
With this morning’s sunshine
Bright in every land:
Word, and deed, and prayer
Speak the grateful sound,
Telling Merry Christmas
All the world around.