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Scripture Verse

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, 1892.

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 ).

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Many in dark­ness are far as­tray,
Carry the light, car­ry the light,
Spreading the beams of the Gos­pel day,
Carry the beau­ti­ful light;
Tell them the gift of the Fa­ther’s love,
How the dear Sav­ior He gave;
Tell them of mer­cy that smiles above,
Jesus al­migh­ty to save!


Light! light! beau­ti­ful light!
Streaming from Heav­en’s fair height;
Living for Je­sus, our pre­cious Sav­ior,
Carry the beau­ti­ful light.

Let us unite in this best em­ploy,
Carry the light, car­ry the light;
Tell the good news of sal­va­tion’s joy,
Carry the beau­ti­ful light.
Singing of Je­sus, our songs are bright,
Bright with the bless­ing He brings;
Helping to scat­ter the shades of night.
Sing of the Lord’s heal­ing wings.


Living for Je­sus, we’ll work and pray,
Carry the light, car­ry the light;
Walking with Him in the shin­ing way,
Carry the beau­ti­ful light;
O, there’s a glo­ry that fills the heart,
Sunshine of par­don and peace;
Let us the sec­ret to all im­part,
Helping the king­dom’s in­crease.


Clearer and clear­er the day­spring glows,
Carry the light, car­ry the light;
Brighter and bright­er the morn­ing grows,
Carry the beau­ti­ful light.
Jesus is com­ing in won­drous might,
Coming in splen­dor to reign;
Sorrow and sigh­ing shall take their flight,
Eden shall blos­som again.
