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Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: Al­fred Beir­ly, 1883. Ap­peared in Jew­els of Praise, edited by Asa Hull (New York: Da­ni­el W. Knowles, 1884), page 148.

Music: Hama Alfred Beirly, 1883 (🔊 ).

Alfred Beirly (1848-1929)



Carol, mer­ri­ly car­ol!
O car­ol a song of love!
To Je­sus, our in­fant Sa­vior,
The bless­èd One from ab­ove.
Carol, cheer­ily car­ol!
Yes, car­ol a song of praise,
To Him in the low­ly man­ger
A song of thanks­giv­ing raise.
To Him in the low­ly man­ger
A song of thanks­giv­ing raise.

Carol, mer­ri­ly car­ol!
O car­ol that name so dear—
All beau­ti­ful name of Je­sus;
’Tis mu­sic to mor­tal ear.
Carol, cheer­ily car­ol!
Yes, car­ol of Heav’n’s bright ray;
The glo­ry of Christ ap­pear­eth;
All dark­ness hath passed away;
The glory of Christ ap­pear­eth;
All darkness hath passed away.

Carol, mer­ri­ly car­ol!
O car­ol the ang­el lay,
All glo­ry to God in Heav­en,
The Sav­ior is born to­day.

Carol, cheer­ily car­ol!
Yes, car­ol of Christ the Lord;
Let an­gels and men for­ev­er
Sound forth the tri­um­phant word;
Let an­gels and men for­ev­er
Sound forth the tri­ump­hant word.