For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Songs of Salvation, edited by Theodore Perkins & A. Taylor (New York: Biglow & Main, 1870).
Music: Odenwald Theodore E. Perkins, 1883 (🔊
Carol, sweetly carol,
A Savior born today;
Bear the joyful tidings,
Oh, bear them far away:
Carol, sweetly carol,
Till earth’s remotest bound
Shall hear the mighty chorus,
And echo back the sound.
Carol, sweetly carol,
Carol, sweetly today;
Bear the joyful tidings,
Oh, bear them far away.
Carol, sweetly carol,
As when the angel throng
O’er the vales of Judah
Awoke the heavenly song:
Carol, sweetly carol,
Goodwill, and peace, and love,
Glory in the highest
To God who reigns above.
Carol, sweetly carol,
The happy Christmas time:
Hark! the bells are pealing
Their merry, merry chime:
Carol, sweetly carol
Ye shining ones above,
Sing in loudest numbers
Oh, sing redeeming love.