In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
Colossians 2:9
Words: Charles Wesley (1707–1788). The first stanza appears in Wesley’s Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762), Volume 2, page 126. Origin of the other stanzas is unknown.
Music: Amsterdam James Nares, in The Foundery Collection, 1742 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Celebrate Immanuel’s name,
The Prince of life and peace!
God with us, our lips proclaim,
Our faithful hearts confess.
God is in our flesh revealed;
Heav’n and earth in Jesus join.
Mortal with Immortal filled,
And human with divine!
Fullness of the deity
In Jesus’ body dwells,
Dwells in all His saints and me
When God His Son reveals.
Father, manifest Thy Son;
Breathe the true incarnate Word.
In our inmost souls make known
The presence of the Lord.
Let the Spirit of our Head
Through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited,
We then Immanuel know.
Then He doth His name express;
God in us we truly prove,
Find with all the life of grace
And all the power of love.
Happy they who humbly dread
The glorious King of kings;
He on them His beams shall shed,
And cherish with His wings;
Christ, the Sun of righteousness,
On them shall rise to set no more,
All the sin-sick sons of grace,
To health and Heaven restore.
Sun of righteousness, arise!
My trembling soul to cheer;
Thou whose glory fills the skies,
Be manifested here:
Chase the darkness from my mind,
All my unbelief remove,
Heal my soul, diseased and blind,
By heavenly light and love.