Scripture Verse

Strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Hebrews 11:13


Words: John M. Shenk, 1902.

Music: Re­bec­ca John M. Shenk (🔊 pdf nwc).

John M. Shenk (1848–1935)


Come, Hea­ven-bound pil­grims,
And join in God’s praise,
Come seek now His bless­ing
And learn of His ways,
In hum­ble de­vo­tion
Bow low at His feet,
In true spir­it wor­ship,
His fa­vor en­treat.

Let each one con­si­der
The price we have cost,
Let each one be bur­dened
With souls that are lost,
And seek that in­fill­ing
Of pow­er from above,
That fits us for ser­vice
And fills us with love.

Remember each oth­er
In true, fer­vent pray­er,
Pray too for God’s ser­vants
That they may de­clare
The mes­sage of truth
With an anx­ious de­sire,
That all be en­kin­dled
With hea­ven­ly fire.

O gra­cious Re­deem­er,
Be with us we pray,
Breathe on us Thy Spir­it
To show us the way,
And fill us with good­ness,
With peace and de­light,
That all to Thy glo­ry
May shine as a light.