Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Author unknown, 15th Century or earlier (Puer Nobis Nascitur). Translator unknown.
Music: Waits’ Song English traditional tune (🔊
A child for us is born this day,
The angels’ king is He;
The Lord who over all has sway,
Nursed here vouchsafes to be.
In manger where the asses fed
The Child divine is laid;
Whom they as Christ acknowledgèd,
As King and Lord obeyed.
With joy the angels fillèd were,
And with the Lord do sing;
Glory to God above the sphere
In tuneful notes does ring.
Then Herod, who with fear was seized,
His envy great displays;
With slaughtered babes must be appeased,
Whose gore his fear allays.
Thou who wast born as on this day
Of virgin Mary pure,
Lead and conduct us in the way
To joys which e’er endure.