To all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12
Words & Music: Barney E. Warren, Truth in Song (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet, 1907), number 206 (🔊
Praise the Lord! my heart with His love is beaming,
I am a child of God;
Heaven’s golden light over me is streaming,
I am a child of God.
I am a child of God, I am a child of God;
I have washed my robes in the cleansing fountain,
I am a child of God.
Let the saints rejoice with my raptured spirit,
I am a child of God;
I will testify, that the world may hear it,
I am a child of God.
Let a holy life tell the Gospel story,
I am a child of God;
How He fills the soul with His grace and glory,
I am a child of God.
Saved from sin today, every band is riven,
I am a child of God;
Thro’ the tests of life I have peace from Heaven,
I am a child of God.