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Scripture Verse

The children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David. Matthew 21:15


Words: He­ze­ki­ah But­ter­worth, in Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Will­iam F. Sher­win (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1881), page 136.

Music: She­ri­dan George F. Root, 1881 (🔊 ).

Hezekiah Butterworth


Procession Through the
Streets of Jerusalem
James Tissot (1836–1902)

Now up­on the earth are beam­ing
Long ex­pect­ed Gos­pel days;
Christ the na­tions is re­deem­ing—
Let the child­ren join the praise.
Every is­land shall adore him,
Every na­tion crown Him king;
Zion strews her palms be­fore Him—
Let the tem­ple’s child­ren sing.

Hear them raise the song of glad­ness,
From a thou­sand mis­sion bands
From Bri­tan­nia’s tem­pled is­lands,
From Co­lum­bia’s steep­led lands.
Every isle for Him is wait­ing,
Every king­dom of the main;
Zion sings His glo­ri­ous com­ing—
Let the child­ren join the strain.

Every song that they are sing­ing
Makes the king­dom grow more bright;
Every of­fer­ing they are bring­ing
Wider spreads the Gos­pel light.
All the is­lands shall ad­ore Him,
All the na­tions crown Him king;
Zion strews her palms be­fore Him—
Let the tem­ple’s child­ren sing.