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Scripture Verse

Follow Me. Matthew 4:19


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1902. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Grace Fran­ces, one of Fan­ny’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Hu­bert P. Main (🔊 ).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


I would ev­er fol­low Thee,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Thou art more than life to me,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
As a child I would be­lieve,
And Thy gift of grace re­ceive;
Let me ne’er Thy Spir­it grieve,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.

In Thy Word is my de­light,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
’Tis my com­fort day and night,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Where Thou lead­est, I will go,
’Tho the way I may not know;
Thou the path of peace wilt show,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.

Thou didst give Thy­self for me,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Help me now to live for Thee,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Time is fly­ing fast away,
Soon will close life’s fleet­ing day;
Let me la­bor while I may,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.