Follow Me.
Matthew 4:19
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1902. Some hymnals give the author as Grace Frances, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: Hubert P. Main (🔊
I would ever follow Thee,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Thou art more than life to me,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
As a child I would believe,
And Thy gift of grace receive;
Let me ne’er Thy Spirit grieve,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.
In Thy Word is my delight,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
’Tis my comfort day and night,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Where Thou leadest, I will go,
’Tho the way I may not know;
Thou the path of peace wilt show,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.
Thou didst give Thyself for me,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Help me now to live for Thee,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all;
Time is flying fast away,
Soon will close life’s fleeting day;
Let me labor while I may,
Christ, my all; Christ, my all.