Scripture Verse

Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39


Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, some­times at­trib­ut­ed to Ash­ford or Mc­Cluck­ie. Ap­peared in the Rail­way Sig­nal, Vol­ume 7 (Lon­don: Rail­way Mis­sion, March 1889), page 55.

Music: İz­mir Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905) (🔊 pdf nwc).


I have enough, for Christ is mine—
A friend that faileth ne­ver;
All earthly love may fade and die,
But His abideth ever.
With all I need from day to day
He graciously provides me,
And on life’s steep and stormy road
He gently leads and guides me.

I have enough, for Christ is mine;
How tenderly He careth!
I bring Him every anxious thought,
Each joy and grief He shareth.
When storms arise and foes ensnare,
And Satan would enslave me,
I know that naught shall bring me harm,
The Lord is strong to save me.

I have enough, for Christ is mine—
A blessing without measure;
Naught can in Heav’n or earth compare
With Him, my greatest treasure.
When all around is dark and drear,
He is at hand to cheer me;
His ev­er­last­ing arms embrace;
He whispers, I am near thee!

I have enough, yet not enough,
Until I cross the river,
And see my king, my glo­ri­ous king,
And dwell with Him for­ev­er.
But soon I’ll reach the promised land,
Where naught from Christ can sever;
Then I shall see Him as He is—
’Twill be enough for ever!