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Scripture Verse

Ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. 1 Peter 5:4


William Havergal (1793–1870)

Words: 13th Cen­tu­ry (Si vis vere glo­ri­ari). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Her­bert Kyn­as­ton, Oc­ca­sion­al Hymns (Lon­don: R. Clay, Son & Tay­lor, 1862), pag­es 80–81. Evi­dent­ly writ­ten for an Of­fice of the Re­cep­tion of the Ho­ly Crown of Thorns by St. Lou­is of France, a fes­tiv­al first ce­le­brat­ed at Pa­ris in Aug. 11, 1239 (see st. x, Est co­ro­na cre­di­ta, Et in te re­po­si­ta, urbs Pa­ri­si­or­um) (Ju­li­an, page 1702). Al­so see Dost Thou Tru­ly Seek Re­nown.

Music: Ra­tis­bon Jo­hann G. Wer­ner’s Chor­al­buch zu den neu­en pro­test­ant­isch­en Ge­sang­büch­ern (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1815). Har­mo­ny by Will­iam H. Hav­er­gal, 1861 (🔊 ).

Herbert Kynaston


Christian, wouldst thou boast aright,
Deck thy brows with liv­ing light?
Twined above that al­tar’s horns,
Contemplate the crown of thorns:
Him, the ra­ther, love the more
Who for thee that thorn-crown wore.

This the King of Glo­ry bound
All His bleed­ing fore­head round;
With this hel­met on His head
Smote the foe of quick and dead;
Crowned with this tri­um­phant wreath
Plucked the thor­ny sting from death.

This the crest the fight to stem,
Pontiff’s on­ly dia­dem,
Only crown on earth to win,
In the bat­tle­field of sin,
Changed, the while that head they hold,
Crown of thorns to crowns of gold.

All those thorn-points, sharp and go­ry,
Touched by Him are rays of glo­ry,
In His Pass­ion’s cru­ci­fy­ing
Scorn no more, but praise un­dy­ing,
Twining ros­es for His tomb
Of an ama­ran­thine bloom.

Thorny ground with sweat of brow
Mingling in that la­bor now,
While the se­cond Ad­am toils,
All the earth of curse de­spoils;
Thorns, fit on­ly for the burn­ing,
To a wreath of ra­di­ance turn­ing.

Only good, and on­ly grand,
Jesus, strength of those that stand,
Only might of them that win,
Pluck from life the sting of sin;
From our work with bri­ers strown
Wreathe us an eter­nal crown!