Scripture Verse

Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Mark 8:34


Words & Mu­sic: Ball­ing­ton Booth, in The Sol­dier So­lo­ist, 1892 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ballington Booth (1857–1940)


The cross that He gave may be hea­vy,
But it ne’er out­weighs His grace;
The storm that I feared may sur­round me,
But it ne’er ex­cludes His face.


The cross is not great­er than His grace,
The storm can­not hide His bless­èd face;
I am sa­tis­fied to know
That with Je­sus here be­low,
I can con­quer ev­ery foe.

The thorns in my path are not sharp­er
Than com­posed His crown for me;
The cup that I drink not more bit­ter
Than He drank in Geth­se­ma­ne.


The light of His love shin­eth bright­er,
As it falls on paths of woe;
The toil of my work grow­eth light­er,
As I stoop to raise the low.


His will have I joy in ful­fill­ing,
As I’m walk­ing in His sight;
My all to the blood I am bring­ing,
It alone can keep me right.
