Cities for refuge from the avenger.
Numbers 35:12
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Gospel Awakening, edited by Francis A. Blackmer (Springfield, Massachusetts: F. A. Blackmer, 1888), number 27.
Music: Horace N. Lincoln (🔊
O, guilty one, haste
To the city of refuge,
Where mercy awaits thee,
So boundless and free;
O, haste with thy burden
Of sin and of sorrow;
Thy loving Redeemer
Is waiting for thee.
O fly to the refuge!
To the refuge sure and free;
With thy sin and sorrow;
Jesus waits for thee.
O, guilty one, haste!
For the day beams are fading,
Afar on the desert;
Say, why wilt thou roam?
The arms of the Savior
Will gladly enfold thee;
He longs with forgiveness
To welcome thee home.
O, weary one, haste!
For the night clouds pursue thee;
How darkly they frown
On the cold mountain’s brow;
The voice of the tempest
Is wailing around thee,
And none but the Savior
Can shelter thee now.