Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Herbert H. Booth

Words: Her­bert H. Booth, in the Sal­va­tion Arm­y’s War Cry, March 26, 1886.

Music: Long, Long Ago Tho­mas H. Bay­ly (1797–1839) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Cleansing for Me com­pos­er un­known (🔊 pdf nwc)
Thomas Bayly (1797–1839)
National Portrait Gallery



Lord, through the blood
Of the Lamb that was slain,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
From all the guilt of my sins now I claim
Cleansing from Thee, cleans­ing from Thee.
Sinful and black
Though the past may have been,
Many the crush­ing de­feats I have seen,
Yet on Thy pro­mise, O Lord, I now lean,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me.

From all the sins
Over which I have wept,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
Far, far away by the blood-cur­rent swept,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
Jesus, Thy pro­mise
I dare to be­lieve,
And as I come Thou wilt sure­ly re­ceive,
That over sin I may ne­ver more grieve,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me.

From all the doubt
That have filled me with gloom,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
From all the fears
That would point me to doom,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
Jesus, al­though I may not un­der­stand,
In child­like faith
Now I stretch forth my hand,
And through Thy Word
And Thy grace I shall stand,
Cleansèd by Thee, cleans­èd by Thee.

From all the care
Of what men think or say,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
From ev­er fear­ing to speak, sing or pray,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me;
Lord, in Thy love
And Thy pow­er make me strong
That all may know that to Thee I be­long;
When I am tempt­ed, let this be my song,
Cleansing for me, cleans­ing for me.