Scripture Verse

Thy word is truth. John 17:17


William S. Hays (1837–1907)

Words: Will­iam S. Hays, ar­ranged in Hymns New and Old No. 2, ed­it­ed by Da­ni­el Tow­ner (New York: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1890), num­ber 40.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


As your jour­ney thro’ life
To the grave you pur­sue,
There is one thing in ear­nest
I wish you to do.
Oh! list­en, my boy,
While I say this to you—
Oh! cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.


Then cling to the Bi­ble, my boy,
Oh! cling to the Bi­ble, my boy;
While liv­ing or dy­ing,
All else let­ting go,
Oh! cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.

You may meet with mis­for­tunes
And sor­rows and tears,
You may bat­tle with sin
And with Sa­tan for years.
Be a Chris­tian! press on!
Do not have any fears,
But cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.


Put your faith in our Fa­ther,
And you will be strong;
Keep your eye on the cross
And you’ll ne­ver go wrong;
Sing the sweet songs of praise
As you jour­ney along,
And cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.


Every time that you read it
You’ll learn some­thing new,
Of Je­sus who died
On the cross to save you;
To the Lord, to your­self,
And to Hea­ven be true,
And cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.


’Tis the an­chor of hope,
And the lamp that gives light;
’Tis the star that will shine
Thro’ your life’s dark­est night.
If you fol­low its guid­ance
You’ll al­ways be right.
Oh! cling to the Bi­ble, my boy.
