Scripture Verse

We have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2


James A. Blaisdell (1867–1957)

Words: James A. Blais­dell, 1900.

Music: Sar­dis ar­ranged from Lud­wig van Beet­hoven (1770–1827), Ro­mance for Vio­lin, Opus 40, num­ber 1 (🔊 pdf nwc).

This hymn has grown through a con­sid­er­able pe­ri­od of time, in­spired by the feel­ing that the church days and forms must be in­ter­pret­ed in terms of pre­sent-day life if they are to get hold up­on the men and wo­men of this gen­er­ation.


Christians, lo, the star ap­pear­eth;
Lo ’tis yet Mes­si­ah’s day;
Still with trib­ute trea­sure la­den
Come the wise men on their way.

Where a life is spent in ser­vice,
Walking where the Mas­ter trod,
There is scat­tered myrrh most frag­rant
For the bless­èd Christ of God.

Whoso bears his bro­ther’s bur­den,
Whoso shares an­oth­er’s woe,
Brings his frank­in­cense to Je­sus
With the men of long ago.

When we soothe earth’s wea­ry child­ren
Tending best the least of them,
’Tis the Lord Him­self we wor­ship,
Bringing gold to Beth­le­hem.

Christians, lo, the star ap­pear­eth
Leading still the an­cient way;
Christians, on­ward with your trea­sure;
It is still Mes­si­ah’s day.

Adoration of the Magi
Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)