Scripture Verse

Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9


William Croft (1678–1727)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, 1709, Book 3, num­ber 21. The tri­umph­al feast for Christ’s vic­to­ry ov­er sin, and death, and hell.

Music: St. Anne Will­iam Croft, 1708 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Come, let us lift our voic­es high,
High as our joys arise,
And join the songs ab­ove the sky,
Where plea­sure nev­er dies.

Jesus, the God that fought and bled,
And con­quered when He fell;
That rose, and at His cha­ri­ot wheels
Dragged all the pow­ers of hell.

Jesus, our God, in­vites us here
To this tri­um­phal feast,
And brings im­mor­tal bless­ings down
For each re­deem­èd guest.

The Lord, how glo­ri­ous is His face!
How kind His smiles ap­pear!
And oh! what melt­ing words He says
To ev­ery hum­ble ear.

“For you, the child­ren of My love,
It was for you I died;
Behold My hands, be­hold My feet,
And look in­to My side!

“These are the wounds for you I bore,
The to­kens of My pains,
When I came down to free your souls
From mi­se­ry and chains.

“Justice un­sheathed its fie­ry sword,
And plunged it in My heart;
Infinite pangs for you I bore,
And most tor­ment­ing smart.

“When hell, and all its spite­ful pow­ers,
Stood dread­ful in My way,
To res­cue those dear lives of yours,
I gave My own away.

“But while I bled, and groaned, and died,
I ru­ined Sa­tan’s throne;
High on My cross I hung, and spied
The mon­ster tum­bling down.

Now you must tri­umph at My feast,
And taste My flesh, My blood,
And live eter­nal ages blest,
For ’tis im­mor­tal food.

Victorious God! what can we pay
For fa­vors so di­vine?
We would de­vote our hearts away
To be for ev­er Thine.

We give Thee, Lord, our high­est praise,
The tri­bute of our tongues;
But themes so in­fi­nite as these
Exceed our nob­lest songs.