Scripture Verse

O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvelous things: His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory. Psalm 98:1


Words: Pa­ra­phrase of Psalm 98, au­thor un­known, in the Sab­bath-School Psal­mo­dist (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1872), page 18.

Music: An­vern Ger­man tune, ar­ranged by Lo­well Ma­son, 1840 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Come, let us sing un­to the Lord,
New songs of praise with sweet accord;
For won­ders great by Him are done;
His hand and arm have vic­to­ry won,
His hand and arm have vic­to­ry won.

The great sal­va­tion of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the hea­then’s won­der­ing sight,
He hath re­vealed His truth and right,
He hath re­vealed His truth and right.

He called to mind His truth and grace
In pro­mise made to Is­ra­el’s race;
And un­to earth’s re­mot­est bound,
Glad tid­ings of sal­va­tion sound,
Glad tid­ings of sal­va­tion sound.

All lands to God lift up your voice;
Sing praise to Him, with shouts re­joice;
With voice of joy and loud ac­claim,
Let all unite and praise His name,
Let all unite and praise His name.