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Scripture Verse

Come to Me. Matthew 11:28


Words & Mu­sic: Ano­ny­mous, in The Mis­sion Hym­nal (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1885), num­ber 19 (🔊 ).


Come to Je­sus! come away;
Forsake thy sins, oh, why de­lay?
His arms are op­en night and day,
He waits to wel­come thee.

Come to Je­sus! sin no more,
But on thy bend­ed knees im­plore,
And knock in faith at mer­cy’s door,
He’s sure to wel­come thee.

Come to Je­sus! lift an eye:
There’s pray­er in ev­ery con­trite sigh
And ev­ery groan, for God is nigh,
He’ll bow His ear to thee.

Come to Je­sus! all is free
Hark! how He calls, Come un­to Me!
I cast none out, I’ll par­don thee.

Oh, thou shalt wel­come be.

Come to Je­sus! cling to Him,
He’ll keep thee far from paths of sin,
Thou shalt at last the vic­to­ry win;
And He will wel­come thee.

Come to Je­sus! do not stand,
The Fa­ther draws—’tis His com­mand,
And none shall pluck thee from His hand,
No—that can nev­er be.

Come to Je­sus! Lord, I come;
Weary of sin, no more I’d roam,
But with my Sav­ior be at home;
I know He’ll wel­come me.