Scripture Verse

Gather together in one the children of God. John 11:52


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Fresh Lau­rels, by Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (New York: Big­low & Main, 1867), num­ber 74.

Music: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Bradbury


Have you spent a plea­sant day?
Come again, come again.
Would you learn the bet­ter way?
Then come, come again.
Here you’ll find a wel­come true,
Hearts that warm­ly beat for you;
They will tell you what do
O come, come again.
Have you spent a plea­sant day?
Come again, come again.
Would you learn the bet­ter way?
Then come, come again.

Would you leave all sin­ful ways?
Come again, come again.
Would you join our cheer­ful lays?
Then come, come again.
We are bound for Ca­naan’s land,
Will you come and join our band?
We will take you by the hand,
O come, come again.
Would you leave all sin­ful ways?
Come again, come again.
Would you join our cheer­ful lays?
Then come, come again.

Words of com­fort you shall hear,
Come again, come again;
From the Book we love so dear,
Then come, come, again;
Jesus suf­fered on the tree,
Jesus died for you and me,
His dis­ci­ple you may be,
O come, come, again.
Words of com­fort you shall hear,
Come again, come again;
From the Book we love so dear,
Then come, come, again;

Come on ev­ery Sab­bath day,
Come again, come again;
Never, ne­ver stay away,
O come, come again;
Now im­prove the hours that fly,
They are glid­ing swift­ly by,
You are not too young to die,
Then come, come again.
Come on ev­ery Sab­bath day,
Come again, come again;
Never, ne­ver stay away,
O come, come again;