Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:37
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1895. Some hymnals give the author as Julia Sterling, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: Ira D. Sankey (🔊
Come home, come home,
My child, O where art thou?
Break, break the chain that
Holds the captive now;
A mother’s heart
Is yearning still for thee,
And pleads in tears,
Come home, my child, to me.
Come home, come home,
O wand’ring child, come home;
From those who love thee well,
Why longer roam?
O blessèd time,
When thou wast young and fair;
When days were bright,
Nor filled with anxious care:
Bright were my hopes
Of future years for thee,
But still I hope
Thou wilt come back to me.
Canst thou, my child,
Forget a mother’s prayer,
Her tender love,
Her long unwearied care?
Come back, my child,
Whate’er thy faults may be;
I love thee still,
And ever pray for thee.