Scripture Verse

Let us join ourselves to the Lord. Jeremiah 50:5


Lowell Mason (1792–1872)

Words: Will­iam G. Tar­rant, 1892.

Music: Az­mon Carl G. Gläs­er, 1828. Ar­ranged by Lo­well Ma­son, Mo­dern Psalm­ist, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William G. Tarrant (1853–1928)


Come, let us join with faith­ful souls
Our song of faith to sing;
One bro­ther­hood in heart are we,
And One our Lord and king.

Faithful are all who love the truth,
And dare the truth to tell;
Who stead­fast stand at God’s right hand,
And strive to serve Him well.

And faith­ful are the gen­tle hearts
To whom the pow­er is giv­en
Of ev­ery hearth to make a home
Of ev­ery home a hea­ven.

O migh­ty host! No tongue can tell
The num­bers of its throng;
No words can sound the mu­sic vast
Of its great bat­tle song.

From step to step it wins its way
Against a world of sin;
Part of the bat­tle­field is won,
And part is yet to win.

O Lord of hosts, our faith re­new,
And grant us in Thy love
To sing the songs of vic­to­ry
With faith­ful souls above.